View single post by Cruising K9s
 Posted: 08-14-2022 03:12 pm
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Cruising K9s


Joined: 06-28-2022
Location: USA
Posts: 26
I am looking to purchase a one-owner, impeccably maintained IP370 to be my seasonal retirement home. I’m also open to an IP380, an Estero or maybe even the right IP320 or IP350.

Most important, besides the overall condition being “very good” is having the sugar scoop transom platform, for ease of transferring my dogs. It will be just the three of us aboard.

I’m open to a seller who won’t be ready until early 2023, as I am in the final days or weeks with my bride and thereafter will be selling our home and retiring. If you are considering selling your boat in the near future, let’s connect directly and save us both some money.


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